Charity Donations

There’s a big giving, caring and compassionate heart behind Naturally Goat.

Apart from making high quality products we are dedicated to making a difference in our world.

When you buy from us you’re not just loving your skin and environment but you’re helping those less fortunate around us. Therefore each year we donate to a charity or worthy cause, for example this year 2020 we gave money to a family with an autistic son who lost everything in the bush-fires and also to wildlife affected and burned by the fires.

In 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 we sent money and or products to an orphanage in Africa –  Some of the money was used to buy food, give children education, buy school shoes for the children etc.  The founder of this orphanage also took over some of our BEST goat milk soaps for the women who had never experienced something so special for themselves before.

In 2015 we also sent soap products to Haiti after the great earthquake.

It is our heart here at Naturally Goat to look further than our own backyard and give back to those in need while making a difference in their lives.

So join with us and help make a difference to our world.  When you buy a product at Naturally Goat you’re helping us do that.  THANK YOU.

On-Farm Impact Programs

While making donations to charities is a great way for us to help make change in the world we also run programs on our farm that allow young people from all over the world to experience farm life, product manufacturing and holistic agriculture.  We’ve partnered with local schools to provide work experience placements, enabling young students to gain practical skills, personal growth, workforce understanding and much more.  We’re love mentoring and guiding them as they learn and develop their skills.   We have also partnered with WWOOF (Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms) as a host farm which links overseas visitors with organic farmers, promotes an educational and cultural exchange and builds a global community conscious of ecological farming practices – we love being part of this movement and opening our business, farm and family to those who may never had the opportunity before to experience working with animals or formulating natural products.